Smile Digital Health & Microsoft Azure
Partners in Healthcare Interoperability Solutions
Microsoft Azure customers in the healthcare industry benefit from the scalability, reliability, and agility Smile Digital Health provides to power their digital innovation and transformation initiatives.
Smile CDR is an Azure Marketplace Preferred Solution.
Preferred solutions are chosen by a team of Microsoft experts with deep, proven expertise and capabilities to address specific customer needs in a category, industry, or industry vertical. As a preferred solution you can trust Smile.

Smile Digital Health is a healthcare technology company that reduces barriers between information and care. We support those who deliver or consume healthcare services and products whose roles are hindered by fractured, inaccessible, or complex information systems.
Smile Digital Health is not another API. And it’s so much more than a FHIR-based Clinical Data Repository. Smile Digital Health is an enterprise-class innovation platform that gives the healthcare industry the autonomy needed to control, enrich, and get more value from their data.
Microsoft Azure provides streamlined deployment and management with hybrid cloud, freedom and flexibility in application development, and analytics coupled with the security and governance you trust.
Our combined solution provides you with a secure, extensible, infinitely scalable platform and managed services from the most experienced developers and implementers of healthcare FHIR solutions.

Our Customers
Smile Digital Health serves healthcare innovators. We make it possible for healthcare organizations to easily connect and share information in a secure, safe, standardized and cost-effective way.
By transforming previously complex, disconnected systems to systems that enable a free flow of critical data, Smile Digital Health reduces barriers resulting in better care, healthier communities and the elimination of costly silos.
Our customers include:
- Healthcare Providers and Integrated Delivery Networks
- Healthcare Insurance Providers / Payers and Health Insurance Exchanges
- Research Institutions
- Government Organizations
- Health IT and App Developers
Our Solution
- Infinite scalability and extensibility
- A modular environment
- Identity management with Built-In OAuth2/OpenID Connect server
- Analytics/business intelligence
- Near instantaneous search and data retrieval
- Fine grained security consent and access models
- Complete support for SMART on FHIR
- Data adapters
- Built-in Business Intelligence tools
- Complete commercial support
Smile Has Proven Ability to Meet Enterprise Needs.
Smile has been successfully deployed at Global 1000 enterprise-sized organizations around the world. Many of our enterprise customers process and create terabytes of data per week with over 3,000 transactions per second.
Smile provides enterprise-grade scale, security, management, functionality & support in addition to our free and open-source product HAPI FHIR, which is downloaded more than 80,000 times per month, and is the foundation of many other FHIR products.
Smile has helped to improve outcomes for over 300,000 dialysis patients with a global leader in renal care provider and has enabled payers like BCBS Idaho to comply with CMS and ONC interoperability requirements while giving patients a more tailored and effective digital healthcare experience.
Our platform is a community.
Some customers start with our open-source product HAPI FHIR, the globally leading and complete implementation of the HL7 FHIR Standard in Java. While others choose enterprise-grade Smile CDR for the enhanced capabilities, professional services, deployment model flexibility, and premium commercial support.
Smile supports 100% of FHIR resources and always has the most up-to-date content available today. HAPI FHIR has an industry-leading A+ score for security and code quality.
Want to see the Smile CDR in action?
Request a platform demonstration and a 30-day Proof of Concept.