Smile CDR is heading south to lovely Atlanta, Georgia for the 33rd Annual HL7 Plenary and Working Group Meeting.
The working group meetings provide a chance for group members to meet in person and network with other industry leaders, in addition to serving as an educational resource for the health IT community.
The action kicks off this weekend with the FHIR Connectathon. Connectathons are an essential part of FHIR’s development philosophy, namely that the standard should be focused on what’s implementable in the real world. By letting participants develop and test software in an informal and relaxed atmosphere, connectathons also help nurture the vibrant community that makes FHIR so much more than a data standard.
Among the many informative tutorials running throughout the week, Smile CDR’s very own CTO James Agnew will be speaking on Wednesday, September 18th about HAPI on FHIR, the reference implementation of FHIR in Java. This is sure to be an engaging and hands-on talk for any Java developers looking to start making applications using FHIR.
A complete schedule for the week is available here.
Email us at if you’d like to arrange a meeting and hope to see you in Atlanta!