FHIR North (April 26 2017)
This week brings this year’s FHIR North event along with its sister event, Apps for Health. These events happen at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
FHIR North has a great schedule packed with lots of great educational sessions, including seminars on topics such as vocabulary and SMART on FHIR. It will also be a chance to meet up and chat with all kinds of interesting people about the projects they are doing.
This will be the 3rd year we have run the FHIR North event, and so far each one has been bigger than the last.
Naturally, Smile CDR will be represented. We’d love to chat with you!
Apps for Health (April 27 2017)
If you are attending FHIR North, we would highly recommend staying in Hamilton for one more day to attend the fantastic Apps for Health conference on April 27. I’ll be presenting as part of a panel with two fascinating people: Ken Stevens of Intelliware, and Balaji Gopalan of MedStack. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say.