Smile Guide: HL7 v2 Walkthrough
I. What to Expect
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By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to ingest HL7 V2 messages into your Smile CDR instance as well as map these messages into FHIR bundles.
II. Background
In some instances, pre-existing data may take the form of an HL7 V2 message. Smile CDR is capable of ingesting messages in this format and converting them into a FHIR-formatted bundle. This conversion is completed by the embedded HL7v2 Listening Endpoint as demonstrated in the architecture below:
III. Objective
This document will demonstrate the ingestion of V2 messages into your Smile CDR instance as well as the real-time mapping of these messages into FHIR bundles.
IV. Prerequisites
The following items/knowledge are required:
Prior to beginning this document, you should have read and followed the Smile Installation guide and have Smile CDR installed.
This document will walk you through the process of ingesting HL7 V2 messages using Visual Studio code. To do so, you’ll need to have installed Visual Studio (VS) code and the associated HL7Tools extension. You can download VS Code here then install the HL7Tools extension here.
Note: instead of VS Code, you can use an HL7 v2 Message Transmitting Client that supports transport protocol MLLP or HTTP, for example, HAPI Test Panel.
Mac OS
Prior to beginning this document, you should have read and followed the Smile Installation guide and have Smile CDR installed.
There are two methods to ingesting HL7 V2 messages. If you choose to use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and its associated tools you’ll need to have installed Visual Studio code and the associated HL7Tools extension. You can download VS Code here then install the HL7Tools extension here.
V. Instructions for Windows
Start your instance of Smile CDR, then open your web admin console.
Add HL7 V2.x Listening Endpoint from Admin Console.
Navigate to the In the configuration page, define the HL7 V2.x Listening Port number. In this case, we will be using port 9201.
Configure the Persistence module used for FHIR Storage Module
Save the configuration and restart the Module.
Open this link in your browser.
Copy the ORU sample message and paste it into a new VS Code file:
Click the F1 key. In the search bar that comes up, type “HL7 Tools: Send Message,” then hit enter.
In the text bar that appears, type the following, then hit enter:
The section highlighted in yellow is the base URL for the FHIR server. In this example, localhost is used. However, be sure to change this (if necessary) to whatever FHIR server URL you are using.
The section highlighted in green is the port number you selected in Step 3. If you chose to use a different port number, replace this green section with that number and remember it for future steps in this process.
You should expect an ACK (acknowledge) message in your output console. It will look something like this:
Now we must verify the message transaction occurred successfully by checking the transaction history in our Smile CDR web admin console. To do so:
Open and login to your Smile CDR web admin console
Click on runtime>transaction log
You should see a list of transactions. Click on the most recent transaction:
If you scroll down to Persistence, you’ll notice the body of the bundle that you ingested.
Note: if your bundle doesn’t look like the JSON body below, click on pretty print to make it more readable.
VI. Instructions for Mac OS
There are multiple ways of ingesting HL7 V2 messages on Mac. The first approach makes use of smileutil and can be operated out of your computer’s terminal application. The second approach requires VS Code as a text editor, along with an associated HL7 Tools extension. Both approaches will lead to the same outcome, they are simply listed below for your convenience, such that you may select whichever approach you are more comfortable with.
Approach 1: Using Smileutil
Start your instance of Smile CDR
Add HL7 V2.x Listening Endpoint from Admin Console
Navigate to the In the configuration page, define the HL7 V2.x Listening Port number. In this case, we will be using port 9201
Configure the Persistence module used for FHIR Storage Module
Save the configuration and restart the Module
Open this link in your browser
Copy the ORU sample message into a text editor:
Name this file ORURO1.HL7 and save it in the same directory as your Smile CDR folder. Note: All files should be to saved as a “.HL7” format
Open your Command Terminal application and navigate to your Smile CDR folder.
Copy and paste the following command into your terminal and press enter. Be sure to make the necessary changes highlighted:
bin/smileutil hl7v2-transmit-flatfile -f "ORURO1.hl7" -h "localhost" -p 19005
The section highlighted in yellow is the base URL for the FHIR server. In this example, localhost is used. However, be sure to change this (if necessary) to whatever FHIR server URL you’re using.
The section highlighted in green is the name of the URO message file we saved in Step 3. If you saved this file as a different name, replace the green section with that name.
The section highlighted in blue is the port number we configured in Step 3 of the Message Ingress Instructions. If you chose to use a different port number, replace the blue section with that number.
Now we must verify the message transaction occurred successfully by checking the transaction history in our Smile CDR web admin console. To do so:
Open and login to your Smile CDR web admin console
Click on runtime>transaction log
You should see a list of transactions. Click on the most recent transaction:
If you scroll down to Persistence, you’ll notice the body of the bundle that you ingested
Note: If your bundle does not look like the JSON body below, click on “pretty print” to make it more readable.
Approach 2: Using HL7 v2 Message Transmitting Tools (Visual Studio + HL7 Tools Plugin)
Start your instance of Smile CDR
Add HL7 V2.x Listening Endpoint from the Admin Console
Navigate to the In the configuration page, define the HL7 V2.x Listening Port number. In this case, we’ll be using port 9201
Configure the Persistence module used for FHIR Storage Module
Save the configuration and restart the Module
Open this link in your browser
Copy the ORU sample message and paste it into a new VS Code file:
On your keyboard, hold down the fn key, then click the F1 key. In the search bar that comes up, type HL7 Tools: Send Message, then hit enter.
In the text bar that appears, type the following, then hit enter:
The section highlighted in yellow is the base URL for the FHIR server. In this example, localhost is used. However, be sure to change this (if necessary) to whatever FHIR server URL you are using.
The section highlighted in green is the port number. If you chose to use a different port number, replace this green section with that number and remember it for future steps in this process.
You should expect an ACK (acknowledge) message in your output console. It will look something like this:
Now we must verify the message transaction occurred successfully by checking the transaction history in our Smile CDR web admin console. To do so:
Open and login to your Smile CDR web admin console.
Click on runtime>transaction log
You should see a list of transactions. Click on the most recent transaction:
If you scroll down to Persistence, you’ll notice the body of the bundle that you ingested.
Note: if your bundle does not look like the JSON body below, click on “pretty print” to make it more readable.
Reference Links
For a list of all supported V2 message types, see the following: HL7 v2.x Support Messages Types
For structure definitions of the supported message types, see the following: HL7 v2.x Support Message Structure
For ADT and ORU sample messages (useful for testing), see the following: Test with HL7 V2 Messages
To read more about using Smileutil to transmit HL7 V2 messages, see the following: HL7 v2.x Transmit Flat File
To download VS Code, see the following: Downloading VS Code
To download the HL7Tools extension for VS Code, see the following: HL7Tools