Today’s HIEs face mounting pressures to modernize and standardize their data so that they can provide more value with it, while managing costs. The next-generation of HIEs are gearing up to improve health outcomes, enhance health equity, and deliver value-added services to their networks through sustainable funding models. This requires truly interoperable frameworks on the widely adopted FHIR® open standard. 

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FHIR is healthcare’s leading open standard for data exchange and interoperability. Smile’s Health Data Platform is an enterprise level FHIR-native solution that ingests standardized data from disparate legacy sources, like EHRs, clinics, labs, pharmacies and insurance payers. Our engine boasts the MegaScale feature which supports mega-volume data ingestion and near-infinite capability storage and exchange capabilities at high-velocity and volumes. Our CDA Exchange+ Premium Solution automatically ingests information in CDAs in a usable way, maintaining clinical relevance and understandability. Smile also provides access security through consent and identification rules while maintaining compliance guidelines. 

With the Health Data Platform and CDA Exchange+, HIEs can standardize large volumes of data from a variety of formats (including CDAs) into FHIR. This large scale data exchange creates an extensive, near real-time view of patients data, which provides timely and accessible care coordination across the network.  

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With data and workflows standardized and flowing into a FHIR repository, records can now be merged, completed and de-duplicated to ensure high-quality and usable data within a Golden Record. Smile’s MDM Premium Solution creates a single, structured, source-of-truth repository that is accurate and accessible in real-time to the right people. The solution offers low-cost efficiency, accuracy and complete interoperability that improves patient care, and quality data upon which deeper insights can run.

With the Health Data Platform and MDM, HIEs can enhance their value-add services by enriching data quality and completeness, without costly manual intervention. The prepared data can then be used to run relevant and intelligent analytics to support measurable population health outcomes, and deepen payer-patient-provider engagement.

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To stay relevant, HIEs need to deliver more value to their networks and populations, within their budgets. Next-generation HIEs are building innovative and stable funding models to include the delivery of value-added services that enhance stakeholder engagement like: prospective care gaps analysis, clinical reasoning, automated quality measures, and making CPGs (clinical practice guidelines) more accessible at the point of care.

With Health Data Platform and Clinical Quality Improvement Suite (CQIS), HIEs can elevate the value of services they offer to providers, payers and patients with clinical reasoning, quality improvement and meaningful clinical insights.

Smile’s FHIR-powered solutions have in-built modules to manage consent, privacy, risk, and security, plus they are compliant with local and national regulations. Our data modernizations solutions enable HIEs to seamlessly manage consent and real-time data sharing securely, and at massive scales across networks. We build solutions for national health agencies, HIEs, quality improvement agencies and health ministries across the globe, that can Unify, Enrich and Elevate data at every level to embrace the reality today and the possibility tomorrow.

How Smile’s Solutions Power Next-gen HIEs

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